Ένας νέος Arcade Emulator κυκλοφόρησε με HD γραφικά που θα σας αρέσει σίγουρα πολύ.To κάνετε εγκατάσταση απο το Install All Packages.Συνδέεστε με ftp μπαίνετε στο φάκελο hdd0 στη συνέχεια στο φάκελο game μετά στο φάκελο FBAN00000-USRDIR και τέλος στο φάκελο roms βάζετε τα παιχνίδια σας ΖΙΠΑΡΙΣΜΕΝΑ.ΔΕΝ ΤΡΕΧΟΥΝ ΟΛΑ.Εκει μέσα βάζετε ζιπαρισμένα τα παιχνίδια και είστε έτοιμοι.Roms θα βρείτε απο εδώ http://www.romnation.net/srv/roms/mame103.html
- PS3) Added waterpaint-normalcontrast.cg, waterpaint-normalcontrast-scanline.cg, waterpaint-highcontrast.cg, waterpaint-highcontrast-scanline.cg shaders.
- (PS3) Optimized crt.cg shader – now runs at 60fps (fullspeed) at 1080p (1920×1080). Also added crt-highgamma.cg.
- (PS3) Texture references used – far faster graphics code as a result. Also adapted refreshwithalpha so that it
looks the same as it did before without texture references. - (PS3) Added all the shaders added inbetween r423 and the custom versions
- (PS3) Replaced inlineASM in burnint.h with intrinsic so that it can be compiled with SNC. Also commented out
little endian functions in blargg_endian.h to get SNC to work. - (PS3) Commented out all exceptions and try – catch blocks in files such as ticpp.cpp and others – SNC by default
works with exception support disabled – also exceptions have performance overhead – commenting out the exceptions
and the try-catch blocks for both GCC and SNC increased performance. - (PS3) Got rid of virtual function call overhead in classes that inherited from a base class with virtual function
definitions – such as the Cellframework Audio driver, and FBA’s aud_audio.h itself. Led to measurable performance
increases and lag reduction. - (PS3) Better button responsiveness – in PS3/run.cpp, for some reason button input was only being registered one
out of every three frames – commented that out. There were tons of other branches in the interface code that are
unnecessary – checking for bDrivOkay for instance in video_interface and vid_psgl – that were commented out for
PS3. This could similary be applied to FBA 360 for some performance gains – same with the elimination of virtual
function call overhead. - (PS3) Menu scrolling with the D-pad/analog stick in the ROM browser/settings menu/ingame menu by pressing and
holding directional keys. - (PS3) Shaders now receive three additional input params for the main vertex program (main_vertex). This
allows us to offload some more calculations from the fragment shader which leads to increased performance. - (PS3) Added back ability to go to Service menu by pressing R3 button.
- (Core) – Rygar driver colors are restored again to normal colors – during the update to FBA beta, a swapword
statement was left out. - (PS3) Makefile works now for either SNC or GCC. Change CELL_BUILD_TOOLS to set either of the two. The best
speed I currently get with GCC for some odd reason. - (PS3) Makefile and preprocessor statements in the code now let you compile the source and have it detect
your SDK version automatically. - (PS3) There is a special debug mode you can activate (CELL_DEBUG_CONSOLE = 1) where a Telnet server will
be running in the background which you can telnet into – in this mode, you can track variables and/or dump
screenshots on the HDD. - (PS3) Better speed, far less lag as a result of all of the above.
PS. Every change above only affects the PS3 version.
Download Link http://www.multiupload.com/JBFTBT38CF
niko mou tha sto diagrapso to minima an den sou kanei kopos vale tin erotisi sou i edo
i edo
sorry και παλι!delete
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήgrapse ekei na sou apantisoun kai ta paidia oti theleis