Επιτέλους σήμερα θα κυκλοφορήσει ο νέος Multiman 1.16.14 όπως μας είχε ενημερώσει ο King πριν μερικές μέρες και μας φέρνει την απεικόνιση 32 τίτλων ταυτόχρονα στην οθόνη της τηλεόρασης σας. Τα link ακόμα δεν είναι ενεργά για να τον κατεβάσετε αλλά μόλις γίνουν διαθέσιμα θα σας τ ανεβάσω άμεσα.Καλό θα ήταν πριν τον περάσετε να έχετε τον 1.16.13 εγκατεστημένο
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Added: New display mode (8×4) with support for 32 titles on screen
* Added: Navigation with LEFT and RIGHT analogue sticks in game modes
* Added: Installed homebrew apps with RELOAD.SELF can be launched via multiMAN
* Added: PIC0.PNG+PIC1.PNG overlay when creating cached images (clear cache to get it)
* Added: Abort “Setting access permission” by pressing [O] or [^]
* Added: Support for condorstrike’s helpMME help application from within file manager (press [X] over the HELP button)
* Added: Skip initial scan when multiMAN is spawned by its RELOAD.SELF
* Added: SBOX.PNG image for themes (supports shadows, covers, docks) for 8×4 display mode
* Added: Multiple files OR folders copy/delete/move in file manager (select with [SELECT] button)
* Added: Up/Down can move and scroll through pages in File Manager mode
* Added: new option in options.ini: [scan_for_apps] to scan for RELOAD.SELF compatible apps
* Changed: Spoofed firmware detected by CRC check of dev_flash files
* Changed: Better copy/backup progress indication (even for games with very large number of files)
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