21 Ιουλ 2011

Πρόοδος και για το custom firmware των JaicraB και DemonHades

Έχουμε πρόοδο και στο θέμα του custom firmware των JaicraB και DemonHades.Είπαμε και σε παλιότερη ανάρτηση πως ετοιμάζουν ένα custom firmware με πολύ περισσότερα καλούδια από του Kmeaw που έχουμε σχεδόν όλοι.Πριν από λίγο μάθαμε μερικά ακόμη χαρακτηριστικά όπως θα δείτε παρακάτω και σίγουρα ανυπομονούμε να κυκλοφορήσει για να το δοκιμάσουμε.

  • Return of the online (running)
  • Update of keys (working)
  • Spoof Version
  • Disable devices
  • Mounted units, several readerscombination]Plugins level conbinacion buttons on the six
  • Modification speedfun speed
  • Multiloader (operating)
  • Dumper full-ram (running)
  • PSN-games license generator (operating)
  • Hacked signature verification token QA (running)
  • Reboot
  • PSN access sysversion check “no spoof nor certs” (running)
  • Check-patching the original disks (operating)
  • Activation of the 8th SPU
  • All games 3.56 and below are compatible (including original disks)
  • Psn-games that require npdrm 356, are supported
  • No need for a valid signature on the executable
  • Support for peripherals that are not licensed by sony (3.55 fixes for dongles)
  • Can take the keys with a dual nand 3.6x (programmer) such as PNM
  • allows custom appldr redirect to another area of ​​the ram (to prevent corruption of existing data)


  • Multimedia - Reproduce all native XMB functions in Music, Video and Photo sections as well as some added goodies
  • PS# Loader - Any Playstation game content other then PS3, including PS1/2/minis games and saves. Will also house RetroLoader (modified TheGridSb Backup Manager) for managing PS1/2/3
  • TheGrid - A interesting category TheGrid that will house addons and service packs. Thegra is also the name of the plugin engine, allowing Devs to only be limited by their imaginations.
  • Emulators - Will contain all old emulators of all old console emulators.
  • Homebrew - Will contain all homebrew available to the PS3 to date, as it will have a download function linked to the OpenPStore.
  • Manager - A place to manage PKGs, FTP, Saves, etc

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