- “Game folder”: loads the game info stored at the selected folder/directory (select the folder that holds all data, not the individual game folders);
- “Import list from Excel file”: loads a list of previously saved games from an excel file;
- “Export…”: displays the list exporting options (“Export as text file” – exports/saves your game list as a text file; “Export as Excel file” – exports/saves your game list as a Microsoft Excel file);
- “Clear list”: clears all the data loaded;
- “Save changes”: saves all the changes made to the PARAM.SFO files and folders (double click or press F2 to alter game title, firmware or folder name; check the resolution and audio boxes to alter them);
- “Rename folders…”: displays the folder renaming options (“Rename folders (ID)” – renames all folders to match the game ID (e.g. BCUS98114); “Rename folders (Title)” – renames all folders to match the game title (e.g. “Gran Turismo 5″ ); “Rename folders (ID+Title)”: renames all folders to ID-[Title]; “Rename folders (user defined)”: renames all folders to a format specified by the user using the tags _ID_ and _TITLE_);
- “Replace image…”: displays image replacing options (“Replace avatar” – replaces game avatar with a custom image. The image will be scaled to 320x176; “Replace background image” – replaces background image with a custom image. The image will be scaled to 1920x1080);
- “Browse game folder”: opens an “explorer.exe” window pointing to the selected game folder;
- “Spit/Join…”: splits files over 4GB into fragments for FAT32 compatibility (or joins fragments back together);
- “Disk status”: displays a chart of disk usage;
- “Check for updates”: checks whether the loaded games have updates available;
- “Download updates”: adds all checked updates to the queue and starts/resumes the download process (allowing simultaneous downloads; starting from version 1.9, all downloaded updates will be prefixed with the targeted PS3 system version);
- “Stops downloads”: interrupts the download process; partial downloads can be resumed at a later time;
- “Select all/none”: selects/deselects all updates;
- “Settings”: opens up the application configuration dialog;
- “General (Settings)”: configures game folder depth (up to 10 levels; e.g. “Z:\GAMEZ\Gran Turismo 5\BCUS98114\” instead of “Z:\GAMEZ\BCUS98114\” ), enables loading from multiple game folders, enables the creation of image backup, enables iconic representation of flag items, enables Unicode support for game titles, sets file deletion option for split/merge operation and sets the default download folder);
- “Proxy (Settings)”: proxy configuration (HTTP/SOCKS 5 supported);
- “FTP”: the FTP tab allows the user to connect to a server (or a PS3 running one); right click on an item to display the available options (download, delete, rename or load game information). In order to upload a game, connect to a server and navigate to the destination folder. Then, go to the “Game info” tab and right click on the game to display the context menu. Select “Upload (FTP)” to upload the game to the destination folder.
Download Link http://www.multiupload.com/C8C6PHPL2R
οταν λες να τα αναβαθμησουμε μπορουμε να κανουμε και update πχ στο gt5 που θελω να βαλω το τελευτεο update μπορω?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήan valeis to teleutaio update den tha paizei to game se 3.55.nai mporeis