- Support PEEK / POKE lv2, using the typical SYSCALL 6 and 7 for compatibility with existing homebrew.
- Support PEEK / POKE lv1 native SYSCALL using 10 and 11 respectively. These are used as SYSCALL than the lv2, the devs just have to use them as you would those of lv1 lv2 but affecting.
- Load unsigned applications, FSELF format natively. That is, a normal application or npdrm FSELF valid format worked directly. (No touch-memory copy in the lv2).
- Load logically signed applications, both official and unofficial signature valid.
- Support for applications up to version 3.56.
- Use of all SYSCALL system, provided that the product no later verify mode, QA, etc.
- No need to modify the PARAM.SFO in the event that hypothetically would use a application that requests a version higher than 3.56 in either npdrm / normal application / or application running from the bdemu.
- Installation of Retail and Debug PKG since the PKG Install option.
- System settings in the XMB QA hacked. Now you can open the options using the normal combo without QA flag is active or a valid token or existing on your machine. Any options changed is maintained in the system registry settings. This QA system hack allows any SPRX to call the XMB to check this information hacked receive information, such as the nas_plugin.sprx, which in the case of DEX would permit installed without any patch of PKG Retail. As always be careful you do with those options, this is the safest way to have the QA without be QA, and not have to modify the EEPROM in any recalculated appearance or tokens of any kind. Here I have to thank Sony for making the security of your token only be in one byte and not in those should be.
- FIX: Patch to allow loading of applications for (avoids errors 0x80010009)
- FIX: Patch to avoid checking the firmware version of the application against the version of firmware stored in the memory of lv2 (avoid the error 0x80010019)
- FIX: Patch to avoid the error 0x8001003C (allows loading of applications that request more internally than the current version)
- FIX: Patch to avoid the error 0x8001003D
- FIX: Patch to avoid the error 0x8001003E (using hdd patch and have no disc inserted)
- FIX: Enables the use of all SYSCALL, avoiding generic error 0x80010003.
- FIX: Patching a new security check that prevents updater mode, it could launch an application unsigned with the minimum key 0xD (3.56), avoiding the error 0x80010009. NOTE: See NOTE AT THE END OF THIS README
- FIX: otherwise is used to integrate the new SYSCALL 6, 7, 10, 11 at lv2.
- Added support for PEEK / POKE NATIVE at lv1. The method used to integrate these new hypercalls not use hypercall existing one, but really any hypercall not used in the system is a peek or poke depending on the case. To interact with PEEK / POKE, lv2 use SYSCALL of 10 and 11 respectively.
- Changes in the hypercall mmap (114). In the 3.56 Sony made significant changes in this hypercall to avoid the use that was being given to the lv1 to lv2 mapping. Now this hypercall checks that the key argument has not been modified, are checked mapping ranges (Someone who understands this will realize how dangerous it is that you map the critical thing, and do not speak of lv1) the hypercall code is divided into sub-functions into chunks for rolling the analysis. 3.56 In this version of this hypercall MA has not been touched, but having the support of PEEK / POKE in lv1 mapping is no longer necessary. In a later version is not ruled out such a check hypercall it's not complicated really, just it was not necessary for this version.
- Changes in the hypercall unmap (115), similar to mmap, its code shared between subfunctions.
- FIX: Added some patches to avoid integrity checks lv1 / LV0. FIX: Added patches in the SPM and the DM to enable the use of any service. The patch is different, smaller, the SS patch exists (this is no longer compatible with 3.56), in my testings my patch does not produce any kind of problem with trophies, or saved games, etc..
- TODO: Delete the problem of not being able to downgrade to a version lower than 3.56. Currently not possible down from 3.56 after upgrading to the.
- FIX: Patch to override the check ECDSA digital signature. Now an application with an invalid signature signed will be considered valid. For example, "sign" an application without having the proper private key to generate a proper signature.
- FIX: Patch that removes the hash check of the application segments. A hash will be considered invalid valid.
- FIX: Patch to override that you can not use FSELF retail consoles. This patch is different from that in ps3devwiki, the patch is on that page about this subject brickea machines has a problem metadata to decrypt the encrypted executables retail.
- FIX: Patch to override the protection added in 3.55 (in the case of applications npdrm / normal, previously only was in charge of the RVK) which prevents applications can be used above the indicated version in the firmware today. That is, in a hypothetical case, a game trying to throw in a 3.60 3.56.
- FIX: Patch to override the protection auth check the applications (added in 3.56), this check detects programs created public tools as they always put the same auth, auth superior one.
- FIX: Patch to remove the protection from the white list of authorized programs, added in 3.56. Now you can use all applications as 3.55 and below.
- The lv2 is protected by a hash in lv1, in case you want to play an offset that encompassed in the range of protection, this would produce a panic check off the system. To avoid this problem, use the tool that is attached to this package before using poke modify lv2. Why not to implement this patch directly is because not everyone is dev, and that can not be touched lv2 is safe for the user. Of course the source code of this program is included, so a dev can see how using the POKE lv1 patched the problem.
- You can now exit of service mode, and use the lv2diag as before, but this has a potential danger. The 3.56 now makes it impossible to make a downgrade to less than 3.56, meaning that if you are in the 3.56 in him are, if you have time you tried to cancel out a version that checks the update manager. The problem is a programming error that allows updating Lv2Diag.self, the failure is that No checks that the update is in the usb or to verify that this is valid, the program formats the flash 1.2 and 3. That is, if then fails, your system would not have died partially flashes, still work ROS can use a lv2diag active again, but who Forewarned is forearmed. Lv2diag Beware!
- Attached to this package is an updated application to extract the nodes of a dump of lv1 is an update of the application made by Graf Chokolo, now has support for versions 3.15, 3.41, 3.55 and 3.56 in one program. Useful to display the nodes extracted from your dump.
- The firmware finished graphic will be added when finished JFW 3.41 itself. In the package adds an application, I do not think there publicly, to put the product model directly from the XMB, acts as a toggle, in the event that you can use the product as simply So I removed the product.
- As a final note to remember that this is the first version of the firmware, so constructive criticism are welcome. As I suppose that due to this publication where patches are appldr, many variants will come out of it, just remember that the first publication was this.
- Do not bite the hand that feeds you, today is a 3.56 higher perhaps tomorrow another, or maybe not.
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Καλά, αυτός δεν είχε πει ότι θα έπαιζαν τα 3.6+ παιχνίδια στο JFW ? Άλλος από κει ! Ερε γλέντια η scene...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήayti einai eidisi ante na doyme!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήan kapios thelei na to balei pos ginete MV gia pes mas???
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΚάτσε να περασει κανας μήνας να δούμε αν λειτουργεί σωστά και μετά το κάνουμε εγκατάσταση γιατί ο κάγκουρας δε μου έκανε για χακεράς αλλά κοντράκιας στην παραλιακη με παπιά ουτε καν μηχανές για τετοιο καγκουρο μηλάμε μην βιάζεστε παιδια καλό είναι οτι κάτι πάει να γίνει αλλα ας κρατάμε μια πισινή!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠαιδιά επίσης να ξέρετε 2 πράγματα :
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή1. Μπορεί να το εγκαταστήσει μόνο όποιος έχει 3.55 (εάν είστε στην OFW 3.56 δεν μπορείτε να το εγκαταστήσετε) και
2. Μετά από την εγκατάσταση δεν μπορείτε ποτέ πια να πάτε πίσω σε 3.55
Γι' αυτό ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ. Έχει δίκιο ο reinko24, αφήστε κάνα μήνα να δούμε τι θα γίνει, έρχεται και CFW 3.73 τώρα όπου να'ναι...
Ωωωωωωπ ! ..Φεξε ! Ωωωωωωπα !! ....Φεξε μου και γλυστρησα !!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήToulaxiston na zoristei to mpastardi o mathieulh na dwsei tipota ston lao!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMin to katevasete simfona me atoma pou to dokimasan pezei mono homebrew efarmoges kai tpt parapano oute bd emulation oute nomima agorasmena buckup paixnidion ....to mono pou prosferei einai
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήena omorfo theme
kai enan kainourgio arithmo sto cfw :D
auto akrivos oti leei o mitsos ala stin periptosi tou nikola pou einai se 3.56 kati einai ki auto
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΜην το βαλει κανεις τον εφαγα.Υπαρχει σημαντικος λογος που το κυκλοφορισε αυτην την χρονικη στιγμη ο καραγκιοζακος και οχι αργοτερα.Επειδη βρωμαει το πραγμα για νεο cfw 3.70+ τις τελευταιες μερες,το εριξε τωρα γιατι αν τυχον τον προλαβαινε αλλο νεο cfw ,θα επαιρνε τα πππππ και το δικο του θα πηγαινε απατο...Τουλαχιστον θελει να κερδισει λιγη φημη τρομαρα του.(και να κανει και επιδειξη στο γκομενακι αλα...)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήapollonius :)
Den kserw ti lete eseis kai oloi oi flamers sta ksena foroum egw vlepw megalo potential sto sto sigkekrimeno firmware.Mporei pros to parwn na einai 'axrhsto' afou den pezei backups alla auto einai thema xronou afou exei ola ta apparetita gia na to kanei.O typos fenete na exei skapsei arketa mesa ston tropo pou douleuei to play kai exei ylopoihsh pragmata pou ta yparxonta CF den exoun.Kai ephdei moirizomai Dark Alex apo pisw kathoti Ispanos kai autos kai me tis prosfates ekselikseis (per console key kai decrypted lv0) pisteuw oti tha exoume neo CF pros ta xristougena me foli megaliteres dynatotites.Osoi eixate asxolithei me PSP hacking kserete ti ennow.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήA re dark Alex....eksafanistike meta to m33-6
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΑυτο το κιτρινο "ylod" λαμπακι στην φωτογραφια πολυ μου αρεσει !!!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήPaidia exo mia erotisi! Exo 3.50 spasmeni! Meta apo paaara poli kairo ekana to lathos na sindeso to ps3 me to internet kai eno eixa se skliro to gt5 mou evgale oti ithele ena update! Leo afou den mou zitaei na valo kainourgia ekdosi ok! Molis tin evala omos mou grafei prepi na eisai 3.70 gia na paixei to gt5! Ti kano tora? An to sviso kai to ksanavalo tha paizei i ekana xazomara? DEN thelo na xaso to save mou! Tha klapso!!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΤην είχα πατήσει κι εγώ φίλε με το GT5. Αυτό που έκανα ήταν να σβήσω τα game data και να περάσω από πάνω το update που ήταν συμβατό (δε θυμάμαι την έκδοση ακριβώς) και από πάνω το fix για 3.55. Μόλις ξαναμπήκα έκανε πάλι το install του και έπαιξε. Πάντως αν το σβήσεις και το ξαναπεράσεις δε χάνεις τα saves σου μη φοβάσαι είναι σε άλλη περιοχή.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήara ti proteineis? Na meino stin ekdosi pou exo kai na sviso apla to gt5 kai na to ksanaperaso? Den tha exei kratimeno to update? Fovamai min to sviso kai meta otan to ksanaperaso THIMATAi oti prepei na exo 3.70!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΠροτείνω να το σβήσεις όλο (game data και folder παιχνιδιου) αλλά να μην πειράξεις τα saves. Μετά θα το εγκαταστήσεις από την αρχή και θα περάσεις το fix για 3.55 όπως το έκανες την πρώτη φορά και σου δούλεψε.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήniksim oti sou eipe o filos pio pano ;-)