Πριν από λίγο είχαμε αναβάθμιση για τον Multiman στην έκδοση 4.01.01 με αρκετές αλλαγές όπως θα δείτε παρακάτω.Εμείς σας προτείνουμε να παραμείνετε σε κάποια χαμηλότερη έκδοση πχ την 2.00.00 και φυσικά για καλύτερη συμβατότητα πρέπει να έχετε το custom firmware που σας δίνουμε εδώ στο blog το Kmeaw
* Increased max number of entries for directory listing in file manager to 3584 (from 2560), fixing issues with PSX/PS2/PS3 covers
* Optimized scanning for network content (ISO/CUE+BIN) (Video, Music, Photo and Roms are also supported)
* Added "4.10" option in "System Firmware Version" to spoof reported version to the latest OFW 4.10
* Added support for creating ISO images from PS2 DVD, PS3 BD, Blu-ray and DVD discs *directly* to remote host (remote file system must support 4GB+ file sizes)
--> You can now create backups of your games and movies directly to your PC and play them remotely! (Blu-ray movies/DVD-Video titles may require additional decryption)
* Added support for extracting ICON0.PNG for network PS3 ISO games, which don't have .png/.jpg thumbnail in the remote folder (when game ISO is loaded)
* Added support for extracting coverart (/BDMV/META/DL) for Blu-ray ISO movies, which don't have .png/.jpg thumbnail in their folder (when movie ISO is loaded)
* Added support for installing PKG package files from remote host (clicking over a .pkg file from /net_host folder in File Manager)
* Added "Network" device-browse entries in PHOTO, MUSIC, VIDEO and RETRO columns to enable browse/view/playback functions for remote content
* Added support for loading RETRO games (ROMS) from remote host
* Added support for thumbnails for ROMS, PSX, PS2, PSP, BD and DVD titles
* Added new game titles to internal database (PSX/PS2)
* Fixed an issue which caused mmCM to lock during boot (on boot screen)
* Fixed a potential issue which may have caused creating invalid *split* ISO files from PS3/BD discs (when output exceeds 4GB and is stored on USB)
Download Link http://www.sendspace.com/file/8echt9