Η νέα έκδοση του DarkEBOOTFixer v5.0 κυκλοφόρησε και με αυτό το πολύ χρήσιμο εργαλείο μπορείτε να φτιάξετε μόνοι σας απλά και εύκολα τα eboot των νόμιμα αγορασμένων παιχνιδιών σας για να τρέχουν σε 3.55 custom firmware!
- Rewrote the system Fix option 2 now also supports the fix file .bin,.self & .SPRX also provides the tool by itself to recognize if the uploaded file is a NPDRM or APP fix and as such, by automatically the Content ID
- Enter Content-ID Utility, you can find out the content of a PKG ID or file self (.bin / .sprx / .self)
- Fixed a bug in the script fix the fix for CFW Eboot NPDRM 4.XX
- Revised script for fixare (.bin / .sprx / .self) with KLicensee
- Added option to create PKG for Debug console (DEX)
- New extraction method PKG NPDRM
- New option to automatically generate the file package.conf, you can now generate selecting a pkg file, or create it manually (When possible, I recommend you create starting from the original pkg)
- Added option to resignare file (.bin / .sprx / .self) in NPDRM
- Added option to sign PKG for Geohot CFW
- Added option to remove the APP Version from PARAM.SFO
- Added the ability to see the details of a file (.bin / .sprx / .self) and save them in a .txt file
- Added options to decrypt and encrypt file .SDAT
Download Link http://uploadmirrors.com/download/1YBYGUPT/DarkEbootFixer_v5.0.rar
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