23 Μαρ 2015

Webman Mod V1.41.32

Ένα σημαντικό update για τον Webman έγινε διαθέσιμο με βελτιώσεις στο fan control αλλά και την υποστήριξη καρτών μνήμης από τις κονσόλες που είχαν αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό (FAT 60GB).Δείτε όλες τις αλλαγές παρακάτω

Updated German language & added webMAN_DE.xml (Thanks to Bashl0r)

Added support for /dev_sd, /dev_ms, /dev_cf (the scanning options are disabled by default, and they will not be visible on /setup.ps3 unless you have a card inserted)

Added support to recognize game cover from file names in "Open PS2 Loader" style (gameid.name.iso)

Added display of title ID (when it's available on the file name) if the option is selected
Changed the way fan control mode is restored when the plugin is unloaded or when a PS2 game is mounted

Set fixed fan speed for PS2 Classic

Disable dynamic fan control while PS2 settings are in effect
classic_ps2 is also available on non-Rebug editions >4.65

Display MAC Address now use a syscall

Firmware detection requires less offsets

Added forced unmount before shutdown

Fix game version use alternative offset if value is not value

Moved all idps/psid offsets to detect_firmware

Download Link WEBMAN MOD V1.41.32

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