30 Μαρ 2015

Webman_Mod 1.41.36

Η νέα έκδοση του Webman_Mod έγινε διαθέσιμη με μικρές διορθώσεις και βελτιώσεις όπως μπορείτε να δείτε και παρακάτω.Πλέον ο manager είναι στην έκδοση 1.41.36

Merged latest changes from NzV about unload plugin

Redirect /dev_bdvd/PS3_UPDATE to prevent accidental update

Added buttons to clear IDPS/PSID on /setup.ps3

PSID now can be set to all zeros

Added display of Cobra/Mamba version to /cpursx.ps3 and popup START+SELECT

Reverted again the firmware detection to the old method
(firmware detection using syscalls didn't work well with spoofed IDPS.)

Added /fixgames.ps3

Added a wait of 500ms before unload the plugin (to let any pending delay being processed complete)

Fan control is restored to SYSCON mode when the plugin is unloaded, only if fan control is disabled or PS2 speed is <33%

Fixed some typos

Fixed issue scanning games on English edition

Download Link Webman_Mod 1.41.36

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