30 Οκτ 2015

Irisman v3.50.3/4

O Aldo συνεχίζει την πολύ καλή του δουλειά και αναβαθμίζει για μια ακόμη φορά τον Irisman στην έκδοση 3.50.3/4 διορθώνοντας  αρκετά bug και λάθη των προηγούμενων κυκλοφοριών.Δείτε όλες τις αλλαγές παρακάτω

Added support for new cores in RetroArch 1.2.2 Unofficial Beta 1.3

Updated mamba with new opcodes for PS3MAPI that allow peek/poke lv1/lv2 through syscall 8 (to keep access to peek/poke while syscalls are disabled) and extended protection of detection of syscall 8 adding a security key that allow access to syscall 8 only by an authorized process when syscalls are partially-disabled.

Fixed new PS3MAPI opcodes for peek/poke LV2. (Not used by IRISMAN)

Download Link Irisman v3.50.3/4

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