Νέες προσθήκες
1.c00 without license
2.possible bug fix when downloading pkgs
3. cobra 7.50
4: sc 870 patched(get_idps) sony blocked in 4.55, no more using lv2 peek etc to get idps xD
Cobra 7.50:
modules can be updated, no more hash update needed
ps2 iso decrypted config support
allow ps2 netemu on bc with cobra opcode 0x1ee9
stealth extension now disables sc15 as well
ps2 netemuu on bc and semi-bc ps3:
bc_to_net(opcode, param)
param=1 enable patch
param=0 disable patch
param=2 return current status
return 1=enabled patch
return 0=disabled patch
return -1=its not a bc or semi bc ps3
int ps2_netemu_cobra(int param)
lv2syscall2(8, (uint64_t)0x1ee9, (uint64_t)(int)param);
ps2 with config:
Place your config where your iso is and name it iso_name+".CONFIG" support for classics with encrypted config remains grab some from:
http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/Emulation#CONFIG_File and
Download Link 4.81 Starbucks (Cobra 7.50) v1.02
Το μοναδικό cfw που δεν εμφανίζει τη στάμπα του κατά το booting του ps3!